Amazed and Worried.
Just these two words may sum up how many parents and educators often feel towards their children--particularly in relation to technology. Our children are digital natives.
According to the 'A is for Avatar' article, children are "growing up in brave new virtual worlds, but also as vulnerable innocents..." (Wohlwend).

Technology is constantly impressing our society, and the ease in which our children are able to use this technology is equally impressive. often, they know how to use the internet; they know about youtube, and they know how to tap away on an iPad. But what if they confuse the ipad for a magazine.
Such confusion can lead to tension, especially in terms of literacy. When is it best to allow and encourage technological opportunities inside and out of the classroom?
Families, you can provide children with demonstrations of important literacy practices.
Such as:
-text messages
But these are usually not supported in the classroom; they can cause class division.
My best advice? Technology can and should be used in all environments represented in the child's life. The key is in moderation and use of appropriate materials. As always, the main goal should be development.
Good post and I agree with what you say about moderation. While I thing teachers should not write off the benefits of tools such as Ipads, they should not incoporate them until they know and know how to use the benefits of those tools. Being hasty can lead to more trouble that it will probably be worth.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. I think when people talk about technology in the classroom, they assume it will be a complete take over but that is not the case. What needs to be done is take the knowledge that kids have with their technologies and using that to give them learning opportunities in the classroom.