Sunday, September 11, 2011

Creating The Third Space


As it should be in any realm of education, working closely with the family is crucial for all members of this special partnership. Since a child divides their time quite equally between school and home, it is especially when there is frequent and friendly communication about the practices in both environments. Every child that enters their classroom has a different story. Every one has a unique social and cultural upbringing that gives way to their academic lifestyle.

That being said, let me shed light on The Third Space. Creating a third space where a child's 'funds of knowledge' (79) from home become evident in the classroom is vital for success. In order to make the connection of the third space, a teacher must investigate and explore each child. Although it may seem overwhelming, taking the time to go beyond knowing the culture and family setup of a child will end up creating ease in the long (and possibly short) run.

When you get to know an innumerable amount of details about each child, you can plan your curriculum especially suited for them. Inevitably, children learn how literacy is understood, valued, and practiced within their families formally and informally. Whether it be from cultural practices or pop culture, literacy is everywhere!

RESOURCES: Packet handed out in class. ISBN: 978 85856 459 3


  1. Understanding the child's background really is essential for a safe entry into an unknown environment; in this case the child's new classroom! Having ways to incorporate the child's home life into their interaction with literacy in the class will ensure they have all they need to explore literacy and build their identity, which is what the third space is all about. :)

  2. I like how you phrased the relationship between the teacher and parents as a "special partnership." I think this makes parents feel like you really care about them and their child. By stressing the importance of a child's cultural background, it helps promote literacy in a new way that will stick with children because it brings aspects of their home life into their education that will keep them interested in learning.

  3. This is very closely related to what i said! I think that it is so important to know what is going on at home with all of the students in our class. the idea of third space is something that we want to make aware to parents. We want to make sure they know that we are trying to make constant ties in the classroom.

  4. This is very true. Literacy is everywhere and in order to fully take advantage of it teacher's need to try to understand their students and cultures. Going the extra mile is not always easy but it is always worth it.

  5. The opening and closing statments make such a good way to welcome and leave the parents. I think it is every teacher's job to make the family feel like they play a key role in the school and their children's schooling and literacy. You are letting them know that they do have a role, and that they have every opportunity to share the surrounding literacy experiences with their children.
